What Should Those Who Want to Have a Child Do Before Pregnancy?

Under today’s conditions, planned pregnancy is becoming more and more important especially for women who have a career. Having the first examination before pregnancy brings about some advantages, as well. Family and individual histories of the mother and the father are scrutinized in the first examination and possible problems that might arise during pregnancy are identified. Lifestyle and feeding habits, bad habits, genetic diseases, medications taken, previous operations, heart, kidney liver problems are some of them.

Beyond doubt, pregnancy is a difficult period for the expectant mother. Diagnosis and treatment of the problems the mother might face before the pregnancy starts is significant. Possible problems are identified with gynecological examination, ultrasonography, blood and urine tests before the pregnancy. The main goal is to look into pelvic infections, status of the uterus and bollocks, infections that might be harmful for the fetus if the expectant mother has them during pregnancy.




Expectant mother’s receiving folic acid support before pregnancy reduces possible risks of neural tube defect to a significant extent. Expectant mothers who have not had Rubella infection are advised to be vaccinated before pregnancy and not to become pregnant for a period of three months after the vaccination. Reduction of blood glucose levels of expectant mothers with diabetes before pregnancy is quite important, too. Diagnosis and treatment of situations like this that might create problems during pregnancy beforehand are possible.

Couples planning a pregnancy are advised to copulate between the 12th and 15th days after the menstrual flow considering the day menstrual flow starts as the 1st day for women who have a menstrual flow once every 28 days. Copulating every other day also increases the chance of pregnancy. Raising the hips after copulation, not having vaginal shower, lying for five minutes are methods that increase the probability of pregnancy.

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