What is Vagina Aesthetics?

Some women are uneasy about their sexual organs. The reason underlying this unease is probably the change in the preadolescence shape of their sexual organs. Aesthetic surgeries to be carried out on individuals with these complaints will relieve the women psychologically and make her sexual life, which collapsed due to this problem, normal again.  

Vaginal Tightening Surgery

Vaginal enlargement is one of the sexual problems between the couples. Lack of harmony between the vagina and the penis will cause problems in both partners in terms of orgasm. Although the vagina differs between individuals in terms of width, it is usually large enough to allow two fingers allow into it in women who have never born any children. Longitudinal folds in the anterior and posterior walls of the vagina increase its enlargement. Vaginal length, on the other hand, is 7-9 cm on average. Again, existence of many latitudinal folds in the vagina ensures an increase in the length of the vagina. What needs to be done in case of existence of vaginal enlargement and a corresponding sexual problem is to tighten the vagina with a simple surgical operation. A piece must be excised longitudinally from the posterior wall of the vagina under epidural anaesthesia and the cut edges must be stitched together. This is a procedure that lasts half an hour and it does not require hospitalization. Relief is ensured via use of appropriate painkiller.

Fatty tissue in the organs in the external genital region might decrease due to aging in situations when age is a little advanced. This condition manifests especially in the hairy region right under the inguen called mons pubis. Similarly, thinning might also be observed in the labiums due to different reasons. In cases like this, outer view can be rectified by injecting a specific amount of the fatty tissue taken from different regions in the body of the individual via a procedure that is similar to liposuction into this region. Or the other way round, the aesthetic surgery might be performed by taking fatty tissue that is in excess in these regions under local anaesthesia.

Another delivery induced problem that causes displeasure is the stitch scars remaining from episiotomy performed during delivery. The scar tissue that develops here might prevent both the woman and the man from getting sexual satisfaction. This problem can be corrected via vaginoplasty.




Many women do not like their sexual organ but most of the time they abstain from admitting this even to themselves. A condition that is frequently encountered on this matter is extremely large labium minors, which are referred to as small lips, and the asymmetric appearance thereof.  

Rectification of these structural deformations, which have been turned into a problem since puberty and which almost become a psychological obsession for individuals, with operations lasting 20-30 minutes is achieved in our clinic in a very successful manner.

In our clinic, the small lips are made as smaller as they should be in an operating room setting under local anaesthesia using the radiofrequency technology and the scar is stitched with dissolvable stitches. The duration of the operation is between 20-30 minutes depending on the operative technique used. This operation does not give harm to the maidenhead and does not cause any harm and constitute any impediments to sexual intercourse, orgasm, falling pregnant or delivering children. No problems relating to urinating are experienced after the operation, hygiene is ensured via the hygiene methods suggested by the doctor. Pain and irritancy to the extent that annoys the individual is not experienced. You can have a shower and revive on the day following the operation. Epithelizing is completed in 1 week. Individuals might have sexual intercourse 3-4 weeks after the operation. The surgery scar is not noticed from the outside.

Similarly, asymmetry of the inner lips might also have adverse effects on the sexual life both psychologically and functionally and again, labioplasty might be required. Following these operations which yield quite good results and ensure patient satisfaction, our patients state that their self-confidence increases in particular and that they feel themselves much more comfortable in social environments.

Labioplasty operations can also be performed on maidens and the procedure does not lead to any damages to the maidenhead. This is because the maidenhead is located about 3-4 cm inward from the place of operation. Furthermore, these individuals will have no problems having normal delivery in the future.

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