What Is a Condition Known as Pregnancy Intoxication? What is the diagnosis and treatment?

Toxemia of pregnancy is seen in the 20th week of pregnancy. The disease is considered as early preeclampsia if it develops before the 32nd week of pregnancy and late preeclampsia (toxemia of pregnancy) if it develops after the 32nd week of pregnancy. It is seen in multiple pregnancies more often. It is characterized by hypertension, overhydration and protein loss in urine. Difficulty in breathing, overhydration in the lungs and contractions that are similar to epileptic seizures occur in its severe forms. The only and definite treatment is delivery. Termination of the pregnancy might be required if it is thought to endanger mother’s life. Treatment is the termination of the pregnancy, that is by delivering a child, depending on the gestational week, severity of the symptoms of the disease and the viability of the baby after birth. Other treatments, on the other hand, are usually administered to alleviate the symptoms and gain time.




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