What Does Bone Resorption Mean?

Bone loss is a bone disease that develops slowly and appears due to low calcium intake through diet accompanied by genetic predisposition. Bone fractures occur easily due to the reduction in bone density. It is a disease that progresses with both massic decrease in the bones and defects in the arrangement thereof at the cellular level. Bone tissue is a dynamic tissue that is formed on the one hand and destroyed on the other. Bone fractures can be observed even with a simple strike of the arm in this disease, which appears when destruction is faster than formation. Although the disease can be seen both in men and women, it is more frequently observed among women after menopause. Shortening stature and spontaneous fractures in the spinal cord bones can be observed in time as the bones forming the spinal cord lose their strength. Low back and neck pains can be seen due to the impressment imposed on the spinal cord by broken bones.

It is quite important to consume nutritions that are rich in calcium and magnesium. These nutritional sources both make bones attain a healthier structure and retard osteolysis. Leafy vegetables, sesame, sea products, mackerel from the fish family, milk and dairy products (fat-free if possible) must be consumed in abundance. Legume and molasses are effective nutritions that can be consumed to this end.




We must always have nutritions that are rich in iron in stock, as well. Nutritions that are rich in iron strengthen the bones, as well. Moreover, we must not be devoid of solar rays. Enjoying the solar rays before noon and towards the evening when the sun loses its causticity will be more useful for skin health.

Another factor that helps protect and strengthen bone structure is exercises to be done regularly. A 30-minute exercise to be done daily have important benefits for the bones. For example, exercises such as brisk walking, cross trainers, riding a bicycle, lifting light weights, jogging help increase bone density having a retarding effect on osteolysis.

Calcitonin, Alendronat, Risedronat, Ibandronic acid, Calcium and vitamin D pills are medications used in osteolysis. It will be appropriate if you doctor determines the medication and dose that will be more beneficial for you.

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