Uterine Prolapse Treatment

What kind of a treatment must be administered for uterus prolapse?

Uterus prolapse treatment depends on the age of the woman, degree of the disease, the general health condition of the woman and whether she would like to give birth in the future. Development of this problem in the future can be prevented, though partially, by doing the exercises called Kegel exercises which contract the muscles around the vagina and the perineal muscles.

Method of treatment implemented in case of genital organ prolapse in a woman who has completed her family is usually the excision of the uterus through the vagina and tightening of the vagina by excising the excesses in the anterior and posterior walls of the vagina. If women who have undergone vagina tightening operation fall pregnant, they must have caesarean delivery instead of normal delivery.

Repairment of the enlargement by removing the extra tissues on the anterior and posterior walls of the vagina only without excising the uterus, in other words, tightening the vagina, is preferred in women who is in the reproductive age, still thinking of having a delivery and refusing to have her uterus excised although she has completed her family. In this way, complaints of women suffering from vaginal enlargement after delivery will decrease and more satisfaction than in the past will be felt from sexual life. Operation for tightening of the vagina is medically referred to as vaginoplasty. In cases of apparent uterus prolapse, it is possible to access the bonds that keep the uterus in place through the abdomen, pull these bonds upwards. In this way, there will be no need to excise the uterus. However, it must be known that operations for pulling the bonds upwards are not very long lasting. The risk of recurrence within 3-5 years might appear depending on the type of operation performed and the technique of the performing surgeon.

Devices called pessary that are placed into the vagina to support the uterus and keep the uterus up might be rarely used in women who do not want their uterus to be excised or who are willing to delivery other children or in patients who are too old to endure even an uterus excision operation and whose general condition is too bad  instead of performing an operation but this kind of treatments are administered in very exclusive conditions.

Excision of the uterus which has no other function than bearing the fetus is the most rational treatment method to be employed in cases of uterus prolapse in women who have completed their families today.



Insertion of a Vaginal Ring 

Rings inserted into the vagina are designed in a manner that will lift the uterus. There are rings that are inserted temporarily or temporarily. They come in different shapes and sizes. Your doctor will choose the ring that is most suitable for you.

Repairment of the Uterus With an Operation 

If the changes in your lifestyle and vaginal rings have not succeeded in solving your problem, operation will be another alternative. The problem is eliminated by supporting the muscles that cause the prolapse with your own tissues or with synthetic materials. Or, excision of the uterus might be suggested. However, some women might not be suitable for an operation. Excision of the uterus (hysterectomy) cannot be carried out especially on women who would like to have a child and in very old woman, for whom an operation is risky.

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