Tests for Female Infertility

Hormone Tests

Detection of the levels of hormones relating to reproduction in women leads the most significant examinations. FSH, LH, Estradiol, Prolactin, Testosterone, DHEA-S and TSH provide important information relating to reproduction and are carried out between the 2nd and 4th days of menstrual flow. Especially patients with high levels of FSH must be warned with respect to the acceleration of the treatment because high FSH levels are an indication of weakening ovarian functions.


Knowing the anatomical characteristics of the uterus is very important for all treatments to be administered in tube baby programs. To this end, measurement of the lengths of the cervix and the intra uterine is performed with a metal rod that will enter through the cervix and touch to the top of the uterus. Mild pain can be felt during this procedure which can be defined as part of the gynecological examination.


Laparoscopy is a method in which reproductive organs can be investigated in detail with a fiberoptic telescope inserted into the abdomen through a hole 1-2cm in size opened beneath the belly under general anaesthesia and surgical interventions can be implemented if required. In addition to its diagnostic value, it is used in the treatment of many gynecological diseases such as endometriosis, ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy, intraabdominal adhesions, myoma when required.



Ovulation Tracking

The most sensitive method employed for ovulation tracking is the monitorization of the ovaries via ultrasonography (USG) and tracking of egg development. USG, which is performed on the 3rd or 4th day of menstrual flow, not only forms the basis for tracking of the egg development in that period but is also important in terms of detection of the cysts to be monitored in this period. Oocyte maturation (18-24 cm) can be monitored by repeating the examination on a daily basis starting from the 8th-10th days of menstrual flow. Eggs reaching that diameter have arrived at the ovulation stage. This examination provides serious information on the structure of the ovary and the uterus in infertile couples, as well.

HSG (Uterus Film)

Hysterosalphinography (HSG), which is one of the most important tests in the diagnosis of infertility, is one of the most significant examinations ensuring the monitorization of the intra uterine and birth canals. It is a technique monitoring the passage of the colored fluid inserted from the cervix through the uterus and birth canals. Fluid passage is not observed when the birth canals are clogged or adherent. This procedure, which does not require anaesthesia, might cause dull ache.




This is the most effective diagnosis method used in the assessment of the intra uterine. It is not for diagnosis purposes only, it enables small surgical interventions in the intra uterine during the same session when required. The procedure is usually performed under general anaesthesia. It is a simple but effective procedure that can be used especially in the treatment of septums, polyps and myomas in the uterus.

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