Pregnancy And Exercise

Exercise is an important part of a healthy life and it can be done in pregnancy, too, provided that you obey specific rules. Exercises to be done during pregnancy not only contribute to the better functioning of your circulation and respiratory system but also helps you feel better, gain weight within appropriate limits, increase your self-confidence, have positive emotions and be more youthful. Complaints related to pregnancy (insomnia, backaches, contractions in the legs, varicose veins, hemorrhoids etc.) are observed less often in expectant mothers who exercise. Exercising regularly during pregnancy decreases the risk of cesarean delivery, shortens the period spent by the mother to “recover and collect themselves” and finally makes great contributions to her losing weight more easily.

There is a small number of publications concerning the fact that the brain development of babies of expectant mothers who exercise during their pregnancy and number of such publications and the cases investigated do not suffice to make a comment on this issue.




Can Every Expectant Mother Exercise?

Types of exercise to be done during pregnancy and the daily amount thereof are different for each expectant mother. Nature of the exercises to be done by expectant mothers who are professional athletes, who are used to doing physical exercise regularly, who do exercise casually, who spare no time to exercise and expectant mothers who carry high risk factors differ greatly. To be more general, we can say that there are exercises that are suitable for each expectant mother as long as specific rules are followed.

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