Nutrition in Pregnancy

The right diet during in pregnancy is to get a sufficient amount of all food groups.

What Benefit Does Each Food Have?

Red meat, chicken, fish, dried beans, eggs and nuts: are sources of vitamin B, protein, iron and zinc.

Fruits: are sources of vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium and fibers. A diet with fibers is important for you not to have constipation problems.

Vegetables: Sources of minerals like vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid, iron and magnesium. They are low fat and fiber-rich.

Milk, yoghurt and cheese: Sources of protein, calcium, phosphor and various vitamins.

Bread, pasta, rice: sources of complex carbohydrates (starch).

Saturated fats, oil, desserts: do not provide much apart from calories. Should be consumed adequately and carefully.

Iron-rich food: This food group is important as most women have iron deficiency due to the blood loss during menstruation. Meat, dried raisins, plumps, beans, soy, spinach, wheat are iron-rich food. Food with vitamin B (citrus fruit, potatoes and cauliflower) increase the absorption of iron.

Sources of Folic Acid: Liver, green vegetables and legumes are rick in folic acid.



Suggestions For a Healthy Diet:

  • Hands must be washed with soap fairly well while preparing food, before meals and after going to the toilet.
  • Dirty, rotten food must be stayed away from.
  • Vegetables must be washed fairly well.
  • Only pasteurized products must be used.
  • Frozen food must dissolve before use.
  • Dissolved food must not be refrozen and heated food must be used only once and the rest must be thrown away.
  • Meat products that are completely frozen must not be bought and used.

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