IVF And Infertility

What is a Tube Baby?

IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is simply the semination of egg cells by the sperm outside the body in the laboratory environment. 1 egg cell is normally produced every month and meets the sperm.

Tube Baby Treatment

Tube baby treatment is a method that helps couples have a baby when:

There is a problem in the sperm’s meeting the egg cell (clogging of the tubes, endometriosis, presence of anti-sperm antibodies)

Functions of the sperm are imperfect (reduced number of sperms, less than normal sperm movement)

Couples Have Ovulation Problems:

It is a method which helps couples with an unexplained infertility problem have a baby.

In a natural cycle, a single ovum is usually discharged from inside the ripe follicle 2 weeks before the next menstrual bleeding. In tube baby cycles, the aim is to develop more than one follicles maximizing the chance of collecting several egg cells at once. A number of follicles usually grow when the ovaries are stimulated with follicle-stimulating medications.

What are the Stages of Tube Baby Treatment?

Before starting the treatment, the first appointment must be within the first few days following the onset of the menstrual bleeding, if possible.  This is because some laboratory tests must be performed within these first few days. In addition to gynecological examination; transvaginal ultrasonography will be performed, the uterus, tubes and ovaries will be investigated and hormonal assessment and sperm analysis for the man will be carried out if required during the first assessment.



The Tube Baby Treatment Process Consists of the Following Steps:

Training to be provided by the tube baby coordinator makes up the first step of the treatment. He/she gives us information on the procedures, teaches you how to prepare the medications on your own and makes you sign the required approval forms.

Repression of the ovaries: Medications called GnRh agonists or antagonists are initiated by the doctor supervising your treatment to take your ovaries under control completely. These medications simply prevent you from ovulating before the desired moment. These medications are in the form of nasal sprays and injections given subcutaneously. The training you need to take the medications by yourself will be provided to you.

Stimulation of ovaries and follow-up of ovum development: Success of the tube baby treatment depends on the production of a high number of egg cells in the ovaries of the female. To this end, ovaries that are held under control with previously mentioned medications are stimulated with medications ensuring ovum development. These medications are administered with injections given subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Stimulation of the ovaries with these medications takes about 10 days. You need to be checked a few times for the follow-up of ovum development throughout this period.

Collection of egg cells: HCG injection is given to complete the last stage of development of egg cells on the day, on which completion of the ripening of a sufficient number of egg cells is detected, during the follow-up of egg cell development. Collection of egg cells is planned 36 hours after this injection. The procedure might be performed under general anaesthesia as well as being performed with ataractic drugs or soporifics. Procedure for collecting egg cells is carried out accompanied by ultrasonography as is the case in the follow-up of egg cell development but the egg collection procedure is carried out with a needle connected to the ultrasonography device. The average duration is 30 minutes. The couple is discharged from the hospital following a relaxation period of 2-3 hours after the procedure.

Laboratory Procedures: The couple is provided with information as to how many egg cells have been inseminated in the normal manner one day after the collection of the egg cells. After that, egg cells inseminated in the normal way are monitored in the laboratory for 2 to 5 days and a certain number of those among them that are the highest quality are selected and placed back into the mother’s uterus some time that is considered appropriate.

Embryo Transfer:  The transfer procedure is nothing more than a very simple examination procedures in which no anaesthesia is required. The only thing that is requested from the mother is to drink some water and fill the bladder with a certain amount of water. This is because the transfer procedure, which is accompanied by ultrasonography, takes place by placing a catheter loaded with embryos into the uterus passing the catheter through the vagina and the cervix. If a high quality embryo or high quality embryos are remains unused after the procedure, it/they might be kept to be used in the future after the approval of the couple has been obtained.  The couple is sent to their house after resting for 3-4 hours following the transfer and the expectant mother is asked to spend that day relaxing. It is possible to learn the result of the treatment with a pregnancy test to be performed 12-14 days after the transfer.

To Whom Can the Tube Baby Treatment Administered?

  • Patients whose tubes are clogged and who will be unable to fall pregnant through natural means
  • Patients, especially those over the age of 35, who have not been able to fall pregnant through natural means for reasons that cannot be explained
  • Patients whose egg cells are spoilt, who have polycystic ovarian syndrome and who are resistant to the treatment
  • Patients with endometriosis, endometrioma (chocolate cysts) who cannot fall pregnant despite the treatment
  • Patients with sperm malformation and a low number of sperms

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