Infertility Treatment

Infertility treatment covers the treatments applied to couples who consult a doctor due to the inability to have children. The causes of infertility problem are quite diverse. If the couple has had unprotected sexual intercourse for 1 year and pregnancy has not been achieved, it is possible to talk about infertility and the cause should be investigated. The treatment to be applied varies according to whether infertility is caused by the woman or the man and according to the cause of infertility.

What is Infertility?

Infertility can be defined as the inability of couples who are together for the purpose of having a child to have a child despite having unprotected intercourse for 1 year.

However, at this point, the age of the expectant mother is important. If the woman who wants to be a mother is over 35 years old, infertility treatment can be started earlier and thus time is not lost. Infertility can be seen in 15 out of every 100 couples of reproductive age. As the age of the person gets older, the possibility of having a child decreases. Infertility is a disease in which reproductive function is not realised and there is a malfunction in the reproductive system. There are many methods that can be applied for infertility treatment.

How is infertility treatment applied?

Infertility treatment is applied according to the reason why the person cannot reproduce. After the cause of infertility is determined, the necessary treatment is applied to eliminate the condition that prevents having children. Therefore, it is wrong to talk about a single infertility treatment. There are many assisted reproduction techniques that can be applied after the condition that prevents reproduction is treated. Some of these can be listed as follows:

  • In vitro fertilisation treatment
  • Egg rejuvenation with PRP
  • Insemination therapy (IUI)
  • Microinjection
  • Egg freezing
  • Embryo trimming treatment
  • Mitochondria transfer
  • Auxiliary budding

Infertility Treatment in Men

There are many treatment methods that can be applied for infertility in men. Firstly, the cause of infertility is determined. If the problem is caused by a disease that can be solved surgically, such as varicocele, surgery can be performed. In case of low or absent sperm, sperm collection techniques can be applied. If there is an infection in men for the treatment of infertility in men, antibiotics may be recommended for the treatment of this infection, but this treatment may not be sufficient to eliminate infertility. If there are problems with sexual intercourse, treatment can be performed with medication and counselling. If there is a problem with hormones, a treatment plan can be created.

Infertility Treatment in Women

Infertility treatment in women is applied according to the age of the patient, how long she wants to have a child and cannot have a child, her general health condition and diseases. For treatment, detailed examinations are carried out to determine the cause of infertility and health problems that prevent pregnancy are treated to remove the obstacles to having children. For the treatment of infertility in women, a reproductive lifestyle is recommended and the expectant mother is advised to exercise regularly, eat well and sleep regularly. If the person cannot have a child after all these applications, assisted reproductive techniques can be applied. These treatment options, which come to the fore especially in cases of unexplained infertility, enable many couples to have children.

Assisted Reproductive Techniques for Infertility Treatment

IVF Treatment: It is applied by fertilising the egg cell taken from the woman and the sperm taken from the man in the laboratory and placing it in the woman's uterus.

Egg Rejuvenation with PRP: It is applied by injecting PRP into the egg, awakening the sleeping cells and rejuvenating them.

Inoculation treatment (IUI): The aim of the treatment is to increase the chance of fertilisation by depositing the sperm at the closest point to the egg.

Microinjection: In this method, sperm is injected into the egg cell to try to create pregnancy.

Egg freezing: It is the process of taking the remaining healthy eggs in the decreasing egg capacity and freezing them in the laboratory environment and can be used for IVF treatment at the appropriate time.

Embryo shaving treatment: It is applied by piercing or thinning the membrane on the outer layer of the embryo and aims to increase the chance of pregnancy.

Mitochondria transfer: It is the application of the mitochondrial DNA of the previously fertilised egg together with the cytoplasm of the other egg from the healthy donor.


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