
Scientific studies show that the cause of approximately 25 percent of infertility cases cannot be found. However, thanks to assisted reproductive techniques applied today, the chances of couples experiencing infertility to have children increase.

What is Infertility?

Infertility refers to the situation where the couple wants to have a baby but cannot have a baby. Infertility, one of the most common health problems, affects 13 to 15 out of every hundred couples. Infertility may be caused by the woman or the man.

What Causes Infertility?

Infertility may be caused by a disease that prevents pregnancy. Infertility problems may arise from one or both couples. The cause of infertility can often be identified. Diseases and hormone disorders that disrupt the reproductive or sexual health systems of many people can cause infertility problems. In some cases, the cause of infertility may not be identified.



What are the symptoms of infertility?

The biggest symptom of infertility is the inability of a couple to achieve pregnancy after having unprotected sexual intercourse for a certain period of time. Couples consult a doctor because they cannot have children, and the clearest symptom of infertility is the failure to become pregnant. However, different infertility symptoms may occur in men and women.

Infertility Symptoms Female

Symptoms of infertility in women and conditions associated with infertility can be listed as follows;

  • Diseases related to the ovaries
  • Malfunction in the tubes
  • polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Thyroid and hormone-related problems
  • congenital disorders
  • tumors
  • Early menopause due to egg deficiency
  • Myomas in the uterus, uterine dilatations, uterine anomalies, extrauterine tumors
  • Excess weight and nutritional disorders
  • Having undergone cancer treatments such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy
  • Tobacco product, alcohol and caffeine consumption
  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Some diseases related to the immune system
  • Decreased fertility function
  • Some surgeries performed in the abdominal area
  • Various sexually transmitted diseases
  • Diabetes
  • prolactin elevation
  • Allergic causes

Infertility Symptoms Male

Symptoms of infertility in men and conditions associated with infertility can be listed as follows;

  • Disorder in sperm function, decrease in sperm count and motility
  • Absence of sperm cells
  • clogging of the channel
  • sperm shape disorder
  • hormonal problems
  • Some immune system diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Having received cancer treatment
  • intense stress
  • Use of harmful substances
  • Hereditary structural disorders,
  • Undescended testicles and similar congenital and structural problems
  • Having had infections such as mumps
  • Premature ejaculation and similar sexual problems
  • Being exposed to chemically harmful substances

How to Understand Infertility?

Infertility may not be noticed until the couple wants to have a child but cannot. Infertility can be diagnosed through a number of tests performed on a couple who consults a doctor due to their inability to have children. Different tests are applied to examine reproductive health in men and women.

Is Infertility Genetic?

Infertility may occur due to genetic reasons, and research shows that the risk of infertility is twice as high in boys whose fathers are infertile compared to others. However, infertility does not have to be due to a single cause and the causes must be examined by a physician.

How to Treat Infertility?

Infertility treatment is carried out depending on the cause determined in the diagnosis of infertility. In some cases, treatment is performed with hormones administered to the mother or father, and in some cases, treatment is performed by surgical procedure. Treatment is associated with treating the condition causing infertility. If the cause of infertility is found and treated, it is expected that the infertility situation will disappear. With the advanced, modern techniques applied today, the possibility of couples diagnosed with infertility to have children is gradually increasing.

How is Infertility Surgery Performed?

Infertility surgery can be performed on men or women diagnosed with infertility. In this treatment method, the infertility problem is tried to be solved by surgical intervention to the man or woman. In women, procedures such as tube removal, tube opening or tube disconnection are performed. In men, infertility surgery can be performed to solve reproductive problems by performing surgeries such as vasectomy, that is, cutting the tube connection, or it can be applied to people who do not want to have children, to cause infertility and stop the ability to reproduce.

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