Herbal Treatment for Menopause

Menopause is one of the most difficult period in the lives of women. Annoying illnesses such as hot flushes, sweating, ups and downs in the mood and bad temper might occur in this period.

Natural prescriptions to be followed and food suitable for this period, as well as the treatment methods to be suggested by your doctor, will reduce the distress. For example, camomile tea that is very good for nervous tension and buckthorn tea which avoids hot flushes can be drunk. Such nutritions as oranges and lettuce that ensure relaxation can be consumed more. Apart from that, we can also say that gall is a v spice that is very effective on all problems that come with menopause.

Some essences produced by plants have a role that is similar to the estrogen. Vegetables, fruits and cereals that contain these essences must be consumed to eliminate the hormonal loss that occurs during menopause. Chickpeas, beans, cereal products, carrots, onions, garlics, vegetable oils, especially sunflower oil, contain these essences.

You can prepare a delicious mix to benefit from the calming effects of camomile tea. Boil two glasses of water, add five tablespoons of dry camomile into it and let it rest for an hour. Grate the peels of two oranges thin and long. Pay attention not to grate the white parts of the peels so that they do not make the mixture bitter. Put a glass of water, one and a half teaspoon of sugar and the grated orange peels. Boil it over a medium heat for 10 minutes.

Filter the camomile tea and the orange peel syrup and mix them. Add the beaten white of an egg into it and beat well. Consume it at once or a number of times after making it rest for two hours.



Menopause Treatment (Herbal)

It was reported in the conference of British Nutrition Foundation that the studies carried out showed that food and drinks with soy are the most efficacious in restoring the impaired hormonal balance during the period of menopause.

While drawing attention to the fact that food and drinks with soy are very rich in terms of estrogen, experts emphasized the fact that nutritions with soy which turn up in the dining tables of such countries as Japan, China and Indonesia have positive effects on the period of menopause.

Experts attracted the attention to the facts that soy reduces the negative effects the period of menopause has on women, prevents heart failures that might appear in that period, fights breast cancer and creates resistance against bone thinning observed again in women with menopause.

Experts stated that they compared women in the Far East Countries with the women in the Western Countries during their research and that they came across complains about menopause less often in the female population of eastern countries which consume soy.

According to the results of the studies, cholesterol levels of oriental women who eat meals that are rich in soy are also lower.

While accepting that tablets used in the West that are aimed at restoring the hormonal balance in the period of menopause are richer in soy than the natural sources of soy, “However, these tablets have their side effects.” they said.

According to the experts, this side effect emerges in the form of increasing the risk of breast cancer in particular. The estrogen in the soy plant, on the other hand, both provides the body with the sufficient amount of estrogen and can fight against carcinogenous effects like the anticancer drug tamoxifen. You can benefit from the following formulas to overcome the period of menopause more easily.

Half a coffee spoon of sage tea is added to a glass of hot water. The mixture is filtered after resting for 5 minutes and drunk after 1 coffee spoon of honey is added. The same procedure is repeated for 3 times a day.

3 camomiles are put into a glass of hot water. The mixture is filtered after resting for 5 minutes and then drunk. This is repeated for 2 times a day.

1 pinch of wild sage is put into 4 glasses of water. The mixture is boiled and then filtered. One tea glass of it is drunk 3 times a day.

1 coffee spoon of crumbled melissa is put into 1 glass of boiled water. The mixture is filtered after resting for 10 minutes and then drunk. This procedure is repeated 3 times a day.

Spicy and hot food must not be eaten in this period and coffee, tea and cigarettes must be reduced as much as possible. Plentiful of vegetables must be eaten; milk, linden or sage tea must be drunk.

Moreover, eating raw spinach, grapes, plums, apricots, lemon, garlic, oranges, almonds, nuts, pistachios, white cheese, carrots, bananas, cherries, chestnuts, cabbages, dates, figs, grapefruits, black bread, artichokes and soy beans helps reduce the complaints observed in this period.

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