Fibroid Surgery

Fibroid surgery is the removal of benign tumours. Uterine fibroids are a common problem and usually form on the uterine wall. They can also form inside or outside the uterus. How fibroid surgery will be performed varies depending on the size and number of fibroids.

What is fibroid surgery?

Fibroid surgery is the process of surgically removing fibroids in the uterus. Uterine fibroids are formed as a result of abnormal growth of muscle cells formed in the uterine wall. Surgical intervention can be provided when symptoms are excessive and fibroids grow. How to perform fibroid surgery varies according to the person's health condition, symptoms and the age of the person. If one or more of the symptoms are seen, it must be evaluated by a women's health specialist. These symptoms can be listed as follows:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen,
  • Excessive menstrual bleeding,
  • Bleeding outside menstrual periods,
  • Pain and a feeling of pressure in the pelvic area,
  • Increased frequency of urination or difficulty urinating,
  • Constipation
  • Don't have back pain,
  • Swelling in the abdominal area,

Risks of Fibroid Surgery

There are risks in fibroid surgery as in every surgical procedure. There may be bleeding during or after fibroid surgery. There is a risk of infection after surgery. Urinary tract infection or infection at the site of surgical intervention may occur. Organ injury may occur during surgery. This may occur during the removal of fibroids. In addition, anaesthesia-related problems may occur during surgery, regardless of the type of surgery. Some problems may also occur in the healing of wounds in the postoperative period. Stitches may open or the wound may become infected. Fibroids can recur. For this reason, new fibroids may form and re-operation may be required. The risks listed are unlikely to occur. The likelihood of risks is reduced thanks to competent doctors, necessary examinations and postoperative attention.

Fibroid Surgery Methods

Fibroid surgery methods can be performed closed or open. It is decided which method to be performed by taking into account the size of the fibroids and the health status of the patient. Myoma surgery methods can be listed as follows:

Myomectomy; In this method, the integrity of the uterus is preserved. Only fibroids in the uterus are removed.

Abdominal myomectomy; in this method, fibroids are removed by cutting the lower abdomen of the uterus. It is performed in cases where there are many or large fibroids.

Laparoscopic myomectomy; In this method, small incisions are made. The procedure is performed by inserting a thin camera and surgical instruments through this small incision. Since it is a closed surgery method, recovery is faster.

Hysteroscopic myomectomy; It is performed using a hysteroscope and this application is generally preferred in the treatment of fibroids located in the uterus. Hysteroscope is the name given to the camera system at the end of a thin tube-shaped device.

Radiofrequency or microwave ablation; It is the process of destroying fibroids with radiofrequency or microwave energy.

Uterine Artery Embolisation (UAE); It is performed by injecting special materials into the arteries carrying blood to the uterus. The aim here is to prevent fibroids from being fed and to shrink them.

Uterine surgery (Hysterectomy); In this method, the uterus is completely removed. This procedure is performed if the fibroids are very large and the number is high. It is a method that ends fertility.



Care and Recovery After Fibroid Surgery

Care and nutrition are important after fibroid surgery. Movements should be limited and plenty of rest is required. It is necessary to keep the incision site clean and dry. After the operation, it is necessary to consume fibrous foods and drink plenty of water. Sexual intercourse should be interrupted for a few weeks after the operation. Heavy lifting should be avoided and physical activities should be avoided for a while. It is necessary not to miss doctor appointments and to ensure regular controls.

Nutrition after fibroid surgery

Nutrition after fibroid surgery is an important factor supporting the healing process. Nutrition in this process should be as follows; It is necessary to consume sufficient amount of liquid. This reduces the risk of constipation. It is necessary to consume fibre foods, fruits and vegetables. It is necessary to consume high protein foods and pay attention to vitamin and mineral intake. Sugar and salt consumption should be limited. In this way, swelling can be controlled. It will be more beneficial to consume frequent and small meals. In addition, alcohol and caffeine consumption should be limited during the recovery period.

Things to Consider After Fibroid Surgery

It is necessary to pay attention to wound care after fibroid surgery. It is important not to skip dressings. The operation area should be kept clean and dry. Otherwise, the risk of infection is high. Physical activities should be reduced but not completely stopped. Doing activities as recommended by the doctor plays an important role in accelerating the recovery period. Attention should be paid to urinary tract infection, necessary cleaning should be provided to prevent this infection and it is important to avoid common toilets. Since constipation will put pressure on the area, sufficient amount of water should be consumed to avoid constipation, should not be fed too rigidly and fibrous foods should be consumed.

Myoma Surgery Price

The price of fibroid surgery varies according to the surgery factors. Factors such as which surgery will be performed, the size, location and size of the fibroids are effective factors on the price of fibroid surgery.

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