Female Reproductive Organs

Female external genital organs start with the vagina, which consists of a canal that is 9-10 cm, and the vaginal lips called vulva at the entrance to the vagina. Uterine cervix comes higher up the vagina. The uterine cervix ensures connection between the uterine cavity and the vagina. The womb is medically referred to as uterus. The innermost layer/membrane of the uterus (endometrium) gets ready to accept fertilized egg every month. When the egg cell discharged from the ovaries is inseminated in the tubes in a health manner, the embryo formed arrives at the intra uterine, sinks into the endometrium and continues developing.

The readiness tissue in the intra uterine membrane/endometrium is discharged when the embryo does not adhere to the uterus. This is called menstrual bleeding. Uterine cavity is opened to the abdominal cavity through tubes on the left and on the right. There is an ovarium at the end of the tubes that opens to the abdomen on the right and on the left. Oogoniums (egg cells) are developed in the ovaries and ovaries carry on the task of secreting progesterone and some other hormones, mainly estrogen, which give women their femininity. 

A certain amount of follicles (sacs), each of which includes an egg cell, develop in the ovary at the beginning of each menstrual cycle. 1 follicle starts developing faster 5-6 days after the beginning of normally developing cycles (without administration of any medication) and 1 or 2 follicles reach a certain diameter in the ovulation period and ovulation takes place.




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