Early Birth

Without regard to the gestation period, cases in which the baby born weighs less than 2500 gr are referred to as “preterm delivery”. If the weight of the newborn is less than 1100 grams (almost the weight of a 28-week old fetus) the chances that the baby will survive are very low. However, 96% of babies weighing over 2000 gr are able to live when suitable care is given.

Causes of preterm delivery are not known in most of the cases but the reason in two thirds of all deliveries is pregnancy, bleeding or preeclampsia. Premature babies must be protected against infections and taken care of in separated divisions. These babies must be kept warm, in an incubator if necessary, and not be fed orally unless the caretaker is sure that the swallowing and sucking abilities are present. Otherwise, the milk that escapes to the respiratory passage might lead to lung infections.

Preterm Birth

Preterm birth is responsible for the death of almost 80% of newborn infants. Development and growth of premature babies are slower than babies born on time. Problems are experienced in the visual, respiratory, hearing and central nervous systems of premature babies. Besides, premature babies face various difficulties when they are school-age children.

Factors that Will Increase Risks With Regard to Preterm Delivery:

  • Having escaped the danger of preterm delivery in previous pregnancies
  • Having given birth to a premature baby in the previous delivery
  • Multiple pregnancies
  • Procedures previously carried out in the cervix
  • Existence of myoma in the matrix
  • Having liver nephritis during pregnancy
  • Being exposed to some surgical procedures such as cholecystochemy, ovarian surgery etc. during pregnancy
  • Having bleeding in the first three months of pregnancy
  • Becoming pregnant when there are contraceptive intrauterine devices in the uterus
  • Miscalculation of the age of pregnancy



Preterm Delivery Risk Findings

  • An extraordinary increase in extra vaginal secretions or bleedings
  • Intolerable pain in the abdominal and iliac regions
  • Severe low back pain
  • Increase in pain that is similar to the menstrual pain with each passing day
  • A constant feeling of stretching in the uterus
  • Having over six contractions in an hour when counted
  • Discharge of a sudden and large amount of fluid in the vagina

How to Diagnosticate A Threat of Premature Birth?

A threat of premature birth is diagnosticated by checking some changes that develop in the cervix. If the  cervix is softer than it should be, faces the front and has started becoming shorter, it means that a threat of premature birth is on the way. Feeling contractions alone does not imply a threat of premature birth.

Treatment of a Threat of Premature Birth

The first aim in treatment of a threat of premature birth is to reduce present activity and increase fluid intake. If you have a threat of premature birth, you have to stay in hospital and not go out of bed unless it is inevitable. The person must first of all be inoculated from the vascular access in the treatment of premature birth. Tocolytic medications are added to this serum if the doctor deems it necessary to. These tocolytic medications will stop the contractions.

Premature Birth and Infant Health

In cases of premature birth, the health of the baby depends on how early it was born. If the baby was born after 35 months were over, it is usually discharged from hospital together with the mother in a few days. Babies born before 35 months are over, on the other hand, stay in the hospital until their due date.

Babies born before their due date cannot live in an environment other than an incubator. Premature babies need intensive care.

Premature babies go through various difficulties as their systems are small and their organs are not developed enough. They usually have problems in their livers, lungs, respiratory systems and in balancing their body temperatures and adjusting their blood glucose. Vitamin deficiencies are eliminated through vascular access. Hepatitis can be seen in premature babies as their livers do not function properly.

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