Drug Use in Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a period in which various medications are taken due to some complaints, preexisting diseases or situations that develop during pregnancy. Medications must, for sure, be taken during pregnancy when conditions require to do so, too. The expectant mother will not be deprived of the treatment opportunities of medicine just because she is pregnant when she has serious complaints. However, there are rules to be followed while taking medications during pregnancy and when taken properly, medications taken during pregnancy are not expected to have undesired effects on pregnancy and on the baby.

The most important reason is that medications should not be used unless the person’s medical condition or complaints do not require to do so and take the medications to be taken must definitely be taken at the instigation of the doctor. There is medication that is suitable for use during pregnancy for almost every medical condition.

The period between the 31st and 71st days starting from the last menstrual period is the period in which organs take shape and is called tetracoccus period. Adverse effects happening on the baby between these days might result in anomaly. Medications must not be taken during this period unless there is a state of emergency.

The all-or-none  rule applies to medications taken before the 31st day. That is, the medication either does not affect the embryo at all causes a miscarriage.

When medications are taken during pregnancy without noticing or if taking medications is necessary, contact must certainly be established with the doctor and the appropriates of the medication to the following categories must be identified after the content of the medication is identified.

Medications are divided into the following groups according to their benefit/loss ratio when used during pregnancy. According to this, for example, a medication in category A can be conveniently used without doing any harm during pregnancy. And the medications in category B are usually used conveniently but medications in category C are used according to the status of the pregnancy and the disease, if the expected benefit is more than the possible damage and if the medication is absolutely necessary. Medications must never be used without consulting the doctor regardless of its type and category (even vitamins) because the condition of each pregnancy and each disease might be different. A medication that is useful for a pregnant woman might be harmful to another.



Categories of Medications During Pregnancy:

Category A Medications
Medications used in tests carried out on human beings have been identified not to give harm to the fetus.

Category B Medications
There is no risk for the fetus according to the tests carried out on animals but no tests have been carried out on humans or no risks have been found in the tests carried out on human beings whereas negative effects were identified in the tests on animals.

Category C Medications  
Adverse affects have been identified during tests on animals but no tests have been carried out on humans.

Category D Medications
This category has negative effects on the fetus in human beings but can be taken in a controlled manner in some life-threatening situations.

Category X Medications
Fetal risk is extremely high. Risks of taking the medication is much more than its benefits.

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